Book a consultation with an expert


Book a consultation with an expert
Talk through a problem, get your questions answered, and move your project forward with 1-on-1 advice from a pro.

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Book a consultation with an expert
Talk through a problem, get your questions answered, and move your project forward with 1-on-1 advice from a pro.

What to expect

Schedule the consultation
Choose from the freelancer’s available days and times.
Get advice for your custom needs
Share details about your project and what you want to talk about. The freelancer will review and reach out if they have questions.
Join the Zoom meeting
1-on-1 meeting with the freelancer to discuss your needs and project.
Approve the work
The freelancer will finish up the documents you asked for and send them to you for approval:
  •  Project plan
  •  Time and cost estimate
  •  Meeting summary

Before the consultation

Here’s what we will need to know before you meet

  1. Tell me about yourself and what you want to talk about


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